Benefits of BIM in Mechanical & Plumbing

COORDINATION & EFFICIENCY: Streamline communication with 3D visualization among all stakeholders for quick decision making during design and pre-construction phase. Efficiency eliminates RFI’s, work stoppages and rework by checking the accuracy and completeness of drawings before starting construction on-site/off-site.

VALUE ENGINEERING & SAVINGS: Reduces Material & Labour Cost, Installation Time, Enhances Safer Construction and Accessibility during pre & post construction. Optimizes Hanger Support, Shaft and Sheet Metal Cost, Resolves Constructability Issues, Saves time on RFIs and Avoids discrepancy with local codes in Model.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT: BIM Modeling services, allowing clients to get complete control of construction projects. 3D, 4D & 5D BIM facilitate project coordination, collaboration, asset management, risk mitigation, logistic planning and cost estimate.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT: In construction, change is constant and the opportunities for projects to get off track are endless. BIM takes care of Change Management, incorporating a balanced planning, evaluation and execution of change order to manage project effectively.


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