3D BIM Modeling Facilitating Onsite Accuracy & Efficiency

Seamless use of 3D BIM modeling through the delivery process is aiding many avant-garde projects. Consequently, the construction professionals set out to maximize the efficiency offered by BIM and removed the need for printed plans, sections and elevations. BIM has introduced an entirely different way of working and the professionals are using the digital model throughout the design, logistics and construction. Now, let’s check out how 3D BIM Modeling is facilitating onsite accuracy and efficiency?

Visualizing Construction Process - The professionals make use of construction planning and simulation software for developing the program schedule. This helps to visualize the construction process, highlighting the opportunities for efficiency and makes it easier to spot where work can take place simultaneously in multiple areas to prevent multiple contractors working at the same area. In this way, the scheduling error is detected much ahead of time and ensures that no item or action is overlooked. Subsequently, schedule clashes don’t occur and the activities are carried out in the right sequence.

Eliminating Waste in Construction - In 3d BIM Modeling, the construction professionals extract material quantities from the project model to ensure the placement of accurate orders, thus eliminating waste. Linking these quantities with financial information of the database provides crystal clear clarity to the project cost. Many construction professionals also seek to link quantity and cost functions with embodied carbon data and its own life-cycle costing tools. 

Removing the Scope for Human Error – 3d BIM Modeling eliminates the scope of human error and helps to save time, as the total station can be received from the BIM model, in place of manual coordination. There is paperless task and so the entire process of construction gets streamlined.

3D BIM Modeling facilitates quality assurance in construction projects. Photos and typed information can be linked to the model along with metadata like time, data and GPS. Besides, the information recorded on site can be pushed back into the model. In addition, site data can be used for creating an accurate as-built model for weekly progress meeting. The models also help to store records in a coherent manner. So why don’t you opt for 3D BIM Modeling services? Implement 3D BIM Modeling for construction project and maintain onsite accuracy and efficiency.


  1. Facilitating Onsite Accuracy & Efficiency, Visualizing Construction Process, Eliminating Waste in Construction, Removing the Scope for Human Error. Excellent blog you have written very nice keep updated.
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