Top 8 Best Practices to Use While Creating Revit Families

Building a great template in Revit is challenging. Where do we even start? With years of refinement, we have finally found the best features to use. Autodesk Revit is an outstanding BIM tool for designers, architects, engineers, and contractors. The full potential of modeling in Revit can be understood through a thorough idea of its various functions.

Here are some guaranteed tips to help you make the most of Revit families and advance the modeling process.

Go for Minimalism: 

It is recommended to have the specific levels for elevations and plan descriptions and have particular display choices accessible on visibility settings. Use the symbolic lines and also masking regions in place of geometry.

Do Not Over Model:

While building assemblies, make sure you have limited the creation of assemblies and parts to avoid overloading the model with all kinds of unnecessary details. Make sure you only consider the critical assemblies.


Check Usage of Nested, Detailed, and Parameterized Revit Families: 

It is essential to understand the importance of Revit families' parameters. With the correct usage of parameters and nested families, there are huge chances of success while customizing and building the families. But the nested and parameterized families must be used only when it is necessary. Any overloading can lead to unnecessary complexity.

Also Read: What is Revit? Its benefits & Uses

Work with Families in Place of Group: 

Groups are considered to be heavier than families. That is why it is recommended to use families in place of groups as much as possible.  

Another reason for using families and not groups is that it takes a lot of time to update all groups, which affects the project's performance and design.

Don't Over-usage Voids: 

Using Void is excellent when used sparingly; if they are misused or overused, it can attract penalties. Many a time, voids appear to be the only way to model the elements accurately. However, if possible, try creating pieces using solids instead of voids.

Avoid Formula and Array: 

The unrestricted usage of Formula and Arrays can add to the families' size, affecting their performance at the project level. If arrays are used moderately in one family, and the family gets copied various times in the project, the performance can still be impacted.

Apply Masking Regions and Symbolic Lines:

To reduce the model size and keep a check on the project's complexity, it is advised to utilize masking symbolic lines in place of complicated 3D geometry. It gives a detailed description and that to with more than one view like 3D views and elevation while reducing the complexity of the project and its size.

All Families Need Should be Parametric: 

It is necessary to plan parametric relations and then build the family frame, which can feature significant parametric ties. But it is essential to guarantee that you create only that parametric family behavior needed to avoid over-hampering the model. Therefore all families are not required to be parametric.



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